just when you thought it was safe to go apartment hunting to find a safe and comfortable home for your family , when here comes another horror story from that dreadfully mismanaged harpers forest apartment complex on turnabout lane.
some tenants are now reporting that harpers forest management has now installed secret, till now, "peek-a-boo," cameras in their tenants apartments! just when you think they've hit bottom, they always find a new low, don't they?
in fact, apartment shoppers, at least one tenant has been identified ,
(name and address on file),
as being the recipient of live video transmissions, from other tenants apartments, and beamed directly onto his personal monitor, in his private bedroom, and by authority of the owners and operators of the harpers forest apartment complex. it appears management has taken an interest in filming and transmitting live images of you and your family in every aspect of your private lives. whether you're enjoying a meal with your family, praying to your god, sleeping, changing clothes, bathing, and yes shocked apartment shoppers, even the most private of private acts, they are filming you having sex!
Now, we're all adults here, and certainly as an adult you can choose to do live shows for the management team, if you choose, to each his own - huh? But, how do you explain to your children, or maybe you don't, that while they are undressing and bathing, some creepy individuals, who are not friends OR family, are leering at them by way of hidden cameras? because, unless you do not permit your children into your apartment(?), while harpers management is recording you they are ALSO filming your minor children! creepy?
this may be the appropriate time to point out that during the airing of other grievances from tenants with harpers management, their staff has been quoted as saying, "this has nothing to do with morality. this is a business. we don't have to be moral.'
well there you have it apartment shoppers, straight from the horses..eerrrrrr...managements mouth. there's no morality at the harpers forest complex, and there's not going to be any - and they seem proud of that fact!
do you really want to live at the decomposing harpers forest apartment complex on turnabout lane?
more importantly, if your children could understand the gravity of this assault against them and their family, would they want to live at harpers forest apartments?
this is a no-brainer, parents, of course they wouldn't!
we have plenty of professionally managed, maintained and safe rental properties in the immediate area to choose from. the harpers forest apartment complex on turnabout lane is NOT one of them!
listen to your children -